21 June 2008

Busy weekend at JRS

Just wanted to throw a quick post up... for anyone wondering why production almost slowed to a hault in the last 3 months, here is a little explaination. My eyes were straining very quickly while scultping, painting and while at my day job... so I took myself to the eye doctor. Wasn't that grown up of me? (My mom didn't even have to nag me over the phone to do so). As you can imagine... I need reading glasses. So, It's nice to be back up and running, I felt like such an old goat not being able to concentrate!

With that said, we have lots of busy plans this weekend. I've got the final two eBay "choose your own custom action figure" auction winners to post. Very excited to photograph them and mail them to their new owners. Their final matte finish is drying as I type this... should have them posted tomorrow afternoon.

And... *drum roll please*

We are hoping to reveal our first complete line this weekend.

xox-- Holly

PS: Stay tuned for Sunday!

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