25 November 2008

JRS Holiday Sale!

Greetings from JRS Toys!

We thought with the upcoming holiday season, it might be a good idea for us to sort through our fodder bins, and sell some of our hard to find figures that you all might need to complete your collections! Most of our figures are either Toybiz/Hasbro Marvel legends… but we do have a few DCUC figures that we’ve acquired over time.

To offer you the best possible value for every 4 figures purchased, the fourth figure (with the lowest value) will be free. So really, this auction is like buying 3 and getting 1 free! Or, like buying 6 figures, and getting 2 for free (and so on). How awesome is that? It would be preferred that you finish your shopping within 10 business days. Please wait for us to send a final invoice – so we can adjust the final auction total, as well as apply shipping costs to complete the transaction.

So come on over and check out our eBay auctions!

24 November 2008

Prototype Juggernaut X-Men Variant

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Originally uploaded by jrstoys

We here at JRS Toys got pretty excited when those Toy Biz prototypes started circulating… and we love the variant of Juggernaut in his X-Men duds! We are so surprised that Toybiz didn't follow through with this prototype as Juggie is one of their finest figures!

So anyway, we decided that there was no better way than to make it ourselves! So what we have for you is one Juggernaut X-Men Variant, ultra pose-able figure with some 40 points of articulation and stands 8 inches tall.

Talk soon -- Holly

18 November 2008

Crimson Dynamo "Prototype" Release

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Originally uploaded by jrstoys

We at JRS Toys got pretty excited when those Toy Biz prototypes started circulating… and one figure that struck us was definitely Crimson Dynamo! We are so surprised that Hasbro didn’t
jump on the bandwagon for some of the “movie/prototype” figure from the Iron Man line (since they did debut him in a Super Hero Squad). So anyway, we decided that there was no better way than
to make it ourselves!

So what we have for you is one Crimson Dynamo, ultra pose-able figure with some 30 points of articulation and stands 6 inches tall, his head is a custom sculpt to make it look as "comic" authentic
as possible. We apologize for the less than perfect photos, our camera battery started to die 6 photos in.

Hope you like it, he is up on eBay for 7 day auction starting today!

xox -- Holly

09 November 2008

X-Force Exclusive # 4

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Originally uploaded by

Since we got some great feedback from our X-Force/Externals line, we have decided to continue with another revamped figure. Quark is ultra poseable with 28 points of articulation and stands 8 inches tall, his belt and holster are made from real materials to make it as realistic looking as possible.

He is now up on eBay for 7 day auction!

PS - JRS Toys has 100% feedback on eBay, so we must be doing something right. Come on over and take a peak.

xox -- Holly

Thor, Thunder Frog

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Originally uploaded by jrstoys

In Mighty Thor # 364: Thor became embroiled in the battle between the frogs and the rats of Central Park until Thor the Frog could find his hammer. When he did so, he turned into a frog-like humanoid, the Thunder Frog.

And for your buying pleasure, he is up on 7 day auction on eBay starting today!

xox -- Holly

02 November 2008

Commission Piece

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Originally uploaded by jrstoys

Hello all, this week was a different kind of week... it was a busy month end for me at my day job, and JRS work was - I'll be honest a little slow.

We did however finish up a commission piece for a customer. It's a GI Joe character by the name of Firefly.

This week should be chalk full of update, we are waiting on a couple parts for a few prototype surprised.

Catch up soon -- Holly