25 November 2008

JRS Holiday Sale!

Greetings from JRS Toys!

We thought with the upcoming holiday season, it might be a good idea for us to sort through our fodder bins, and sell some of our hard to find figures that you all might need to complete your collections! Most of our figures are either Toybiz/Hasbro Marvel legends… but we do have a few DCUC figures that we’ve acquired over time.

To offer you the best possible value for every 4 figures purchased, the fourth figure (with the lowest value) will be free. So really, this auction is like buying 3 and getting 1 free! Or, like buying 6 figures, and getting 2 for free (and so on). How awesome is that? It would be preferred that you finish your shopping within 10 business days. Please wait for us to send a final invoice – so we can adjust the final auction total, as well as apply shipping costs to complete the transaction.

So come on over and check out our eBay auctions!

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